BRT Planning - Other Cities

Bandung, Pekanbaru, Makassar and Batam BRT feasibility studies

BRT planning is ongoing for feasibility studies in Bandung and Pekanbaru (2020), as well as Makassar and Batam (2020-2021).

Kaili, Yanji and Changzhi BRT planning

Far East Mobility is during 2019 and 2020 working on a BRT plan in Kaili, a medium-sized city in Guiyang province, in collaboration with the China Academy of Transportation Sciences. In 2018-2019 Far East Mobility experts provided inputs to preliminary BRT planning and capacity building in Yanji in Jilin Province, and in 2019-2020 provided inputs to early BRT planning in Changzhi, Shanxi province.

Bandung, Semarang and Pekanbaru BRT pre-feasibility studies

As part of BRT pre-feasibility studies in Bandung, Semarang and Pekanbaru Far East Mobility in 2019 completed the following for all three cities:

  • Planning and implementation of a survey program
  • Preliminary operational plan
  • Preliminary infrastructure design and cost estimate
  • Demand analysis and ridership estimate
  • Modal integration concepts
  • Presentations and consultation at the city and national levels.

Guangzhou BRT

Proposals on how to improve the Guangzhou BRT were developed and presented to related agencies including the BRT Management Company and Communications Commission in 2019.

Johor Bahru BRT

Far East Mobility experts Karl Fjellstrom, Xiaomei Duan, Wenxuan Ma, Zhuojun Su and others played leading roles in the preliminary BRT planning and design in Johor Bahru which was carried out for the Iskandar Regional Development Authority in 2013. The project was announced for implementation at in early 2018.

Far East Mobility input in the Johor Bahru BRT and NMT planning is continuing in 2019 and 2020 through a UNDP-funded technical review role.

Fuzhou BRT

Far East Mobility in 2019 carried out an assessment of the recently opened Fuzhou BRT (Jiangxi Province), evaluating performance and proposing areas for improvement in a report commissioned by the City Administration Bureau and presented to city leadership in mid-2019.

Later in 2019 Far East Mobility carried out a mode share estimation study for public transport in Fuzhou.

Yangon BRT / bus priority

Yangon BRT / bus priority project.

Ulaanbaatar BRT

Ulaanbaatar BRT project.

Ji'an BRT

Ji'an high frequency bus network project.

Guiyang BRT

Guiyang BRT project.

Vientiane BRT, NMT and parking

Karl Fjellstrom was the team leader, and Wenxuan Ma and Xiaomei Duan were key engineers involved in the Vientiane BRT project preliminary design work carried out from late 2013 to early 2014 for ITDP, with funding from the Asian Development Bank. The Vientiane BRT project was approved by the ADB Board in March 2015, with implementation of the system to take place in coming years.

Metro Manila BRT and greenways planning

Far East Mobility staff and regular consultants led the Metro Manila BRT concept design for a BRT corridor along EDSA carried out for ITDP in 2015.

Kuala Lumpur BRT

Federal Highway - Tun Sambanthan 2012 conceptual design, approved but not yet implemented. Karl Fjellstrom was the team leader and Far East Mobility consultants Xiaomei Duan and Wenxuan Ma were key engineers in the BRT planning and design in Kuala Lumpur, which was carried out for ITDP and funded by the Malaysia Land Public Transport Commission (SPAD).

Other cities

Other cities where Far East Mobility played a more minor role include:

  • Peshawar BRT - 2016, now under construction, support provided to ITDP-Indonesia. Far East Mobility revised the stations and operational design, and proposed an elevated bikeway underneath the elevated BRT section.
  • Nanning BRT - support provided to GMEDRI.
  • Dandong BRT - 2016, in planning, but not currently progressing to implementation.
Sao Paulo BRT

Guangzhou BRT

Xiamen BRT

Bogota BRT

Urumqi BRT

Brisbane BRT

Rotterdam BRT

Utrecht BRT